Slamming Brutal Death Metal #7 | id

Slamming Brutal Death Metal (or Slam for short) is a Brutal Death Metal subgenre which focuses on the 'mosh' parts (slams) rather than the blasting parts. The genre started in 1991 by the idea focused by Internal Bleeding but was not recognised as an official sub-genre until 1995 when their debut album Voracious Contempt was released. This was still not enough for most fans to go over to calling it slam death metal. However, Devourment changed this with their debut release in 1997 and made it highly exposed.

The genre has since spawned sub-genres which are still criticized as not being proper genres today. The first was established by Devourment in 1997 which is called Slamming Brutal Death Metal which still has slams and those important grooves but bordered more on the deathgrind genre than the original sludgy slam sound that Internal Bleeding incorporated. The second was also established in 1997 by Infernal Revulsion which is called Wigger Slam. The tag was later made popular by the notorious Entorturement in America which lead to a wave of popular artists most notably Waking the Cadaver which twisted the genre to a more deathcore sound. However, originally wigger slam was meant to be a simplified version of Devourment and Internal Bleeding's efforts. The most prime examples of these are Gorevent, Vulvectomy and Soils of Fate which do the over slam grooves very well.

The genre is widely unknown to the masses of the Death Metal scene and if heard, sometimes ignored by the death metal fans. Many feel it is just brutal death metal with heavy influences on breakdowns. However, some of these aforementioned artists can not just be put into brutal death metal genre as their unique twist to the genre removes them from brutal death.

Apart from this the genre is however, accepted by a lot of fans all over the world and there are more and more websites, blogs and venues using the term within the scene. .