Prelapse | id

Prelapse is eclectic Boston-based group. Their music is chaotic race from genre to genre: surf, metal, jazz, R'n'B and other. Prelapse are: Jeff Hudgins (alto sax and clarinet); Andy Sanesi (drums); Dane Johnson (guitar); Rev. Mason Wendell (bass and vocals); Alex Lacamoire (keyboards). And John Zorn on sax (alto), as Executive Producer and Composer. Prelapse played 50/50: a lot of unreleased tunes written for Naked City by John Zorn, and: some tunes written by Prelapse members. In 1997 Prelapse recorded self-titled CD "Prelapse" (released in 1999 on Avant). In 1998 group take part in to Zorn's album "Music for Children"...