V.I.P | id

Ovaj bend je kao deo talasa mladih hip-hop izvodjacha (zajedno sa Beogradskim Sindikatom, Shortyjem i drugima) privukao pazhnju publike pesmom "Atlantida" nakon chega su dobili uloge u filmu "1 na 1" Mladena Matichevicja. U isto vreme su pocheli saradnju sa producentom Oneyom, koja je rezultirala realizacijom debi albuma "Ekipa stigla". Nakon 6 meseci snimanja i nekoliko nedelja post-produkcije, na trzhishtu se nashao album koji je najshiroj publici predstavio nove standarde vezane za produkciju hip-hop muzike na nashim prostorima. Danas je grupa VIP brend za sebe i vecj par godina se ochekuje njihov drugi album na kome oni vredno rade. Kao...
There are several artists using this name. 1) One of them is: V.I.P. a rap group from Serbia constisting of 2 MC's: Rexxxona,also known as Relja,Reksona,Demian (Relja Milankovic) and Ikac (Ivan Jovic).This duo was noticed by general audience as a part of new wave young hip-hop artists (with Beogradski Sindikat, Sho3 and others) with hit single "Atlantida". After massive success came the parts in Mladen Matichevic's movie "1 on 1". In the same time they started working with producer Oneya and together they made VIP's first album "Ekipa stigla"! After 6 months of recording and several weeks of post-production, there...
The V.I.P.s were a British R&B musical ensemble formed in Carlisle, Cumberland, (North West England) in late 1963, out of an earlier outfit known as The Ramrods, who had formed in Carlisle in 1960. After a change of personnel in April 1967, the band changed their name to Art, and released the album Supernatural Fairy Tales. They also participated to a psychedelic bizarre album called Featuring The Human Host And The Heavy Metal Kids by a collective known as Hapshash and the Coloured Coat, formed by Guy Stevens and an influential British graphic design and avant-garde musical partnership between Michael...