Sonoko | id

Sonoko is a singer from Kyoto, Japan. In her own words: "Even when I was very little, I liked to make music like most kids play games. I always liked stories, movies and music boxes. I really started to think about my own music seriously when I was sixteen. In 1984, I sent my first demo to three labels that I liked a lot: Cherry Red Records, Crammed Discs and Les Disques Du Crépuscule." At that time, Cherry Red wrote Sonoko to say they liked her demo. They offered to make a record and arranged for her to go into...
Ditemukan 157 lagu, durasi: 09:35:36
Kanashii Yoru wo Tomete
Swan Lake
Aoi Tori (Dai Go Maku)
L'Oiseau Blue
Le serpent qui danse
L'Enfant Du Paradis
L'Oiseau Bleu
B1 - Sunny Day
Danse Avec La Tristesse
La Poupée Qui Fait Non
A4 - In Heaven
B6 - I Love How You Love Me
A7 - Dreamy
Un homme et une femme
B5 - Marienbad
B8 - Bb
B2 - Cheri Cheri
B10 - Swan Lake
B7 - Les Gauloises Bleues
B1 - L'Enfant Du Paradis
Romeo Sama
Gooday (グッデイ Hello ver.)
A5 - Wedding With God (a Nijinski)
A1 - Balcony Scene
A9 - Requiem
A8 - Sanctus
A6 - George Boy
B4 - La Poupee Qui Fait Non
Une Histoire de Plage
B3 - Une Histoire De Plage
A2 - Sirene
Nagisa no Tightrope
Koi no Chapter A to Z
Cheri Cheri
A1 - Aoi Tori (Dai Go Maku)
Shangrila no Natsu
Balcony Scene
In Heaven (David Lynch)
Souvenir De La Mer
B3 - L'Oiseau Bleu