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Sublamp is Los Angeles based sound and video artist Ryan Connor (b. 1979 Socorro, NM). Raised by scientist parents living outside of various national parks in New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado, Ryan developed an early fascination with nature and science that influenced his later work as an artist. Primarily interested in pre-language experience, he uses textural sound and images to explore an intuitive and emotional response to sensory data. His work has been published by Serac (USA), Pehr (USA), SEM (France), Dragon’s Eye Recordings (USA), Friendly Virus (Portugal), Ahora Eterno (Argentina), and Hibernate Recordings (UK). .
The four members of Blameshift have been blazing their independent path across the nation over the better part of 5 years. During that time the band could easily have taught a collegiate level course on band survival. With a high powered list of sponsors, their music as a full time job and a tour bus, (a literal bus), powered by vegetable oil, the band headed across the country to Los Angeles in 2010 to record with Erik Ron, (VersaEmerge, Good Charlotte, Panic at the Disco). What resulted was the full commercially driven sound that Blameshift has been envisioning since their...
There are more than one artist with this name: the Blame was formed by Can Talaz and Berca B. Kantarcıoğlu in 2006. Soon after, Onur Altınay was included to the band. After some unsuccessful attempts of finding a guitarist, Onur’s former bandmate Bahadır Sarp was joined in. The band continued with single guitar some time, afterwards, Oğuz Arslan was found through internet advert and the lacking of the rhythm guitarist was filled by him. With this line-up the band performed in a number of concerts, mostly by covered songs. Then the Blame started composing their own songs. In that time,...
If you sense a slight incongruity in the title of Blame Sally’s Speeding Ticket and a Valentine, rest assured that it’s as purposeful as the life it describes is random. The album lifts its name from a line in the bridge of the hard-charging leadoff single, “Living Without You,” which describes a day—or maybe entire existence—that’s “sweet and sour at the same time/mink and a porcupine/ speeding ticket and a valentine.” Clearly, this is a band that knows its oxymorons. The four women who make up the Bay area-based group have some experience with improbable complexities and contradictions. Almost everything...
Beautiful and nauseating, jazzy and fierce, tumultuous and contained, precise and of these adjectives could be applied at any given point during one of Blame Game's sets. Atlanta's Blame Game is a band of extremes that somehow always makes sense. For those in the audience, the meticulous attention to detail displayed by the band's compositions (while retaining a strong attachment to playing loose when needed) is apparent from the get go. Anchored by the rhythm section of Alex Lambert on drums/sax and Chris Ware on bass, the band defies nausea-inducing easy labels by giving the listener a quick ride...