Tickle | id

Tickley Feather is Annie Sachs. She grew up in rural Virginia but has been living in Philadelphia for 5 years now. She has been using her time learning to write and record her own music as part of her nights spent at home, adapting to being the single mother of a young child. Sachs is a four tracking hobbyist whose musical spirit dwells in the realm of her own natural inclinations. She is a firm believer in doing what feels right, and in her recordings she really uses her solo status to great advantage. It adds up a very personal...
Tickled Pink are: Simon Care; Gerald Claridge; Guy Fletcher; Roy Kay; Trevor Landen; Mark Hutchinson and Mark Jolley. They formed in 1989 as the 'perfect antidote' to the traditional country-bands at the time. The band proceeded to play many festivals around the UK including Fairport's Cropredy Convention, Glastonbury and Cambridge. Primarily an English Ceilidh Band, their style combines traditional English music with rave, reggae, blues, country, rap, and much more! .