Pooh | id

1966 Prima formazione ufficiale dei POOH: Valerio Negrini (batteria), Robi Facchinetti (tastiere), Riccardo Fogli (basso), Mauro Bertoli (chitarra), Mario Goretti (chitarra), Gilberto Fagioli (basso) e Bob Gillot (tastiere). Primo 45 giri: "Vieni fuori" e "L'uomo di ieri". Secondo 45 giri: "Quello che non sai" e "Bikini Beat"; seguito da "Per quelli come noi". Vincono il Festival delle Rose con il brano "Brennero 66", seguito da "Nel buio". 1967 Mauro Bertoli lascia il gruppo, che in piena Beatles-mania mette in mostra una forte personalità e la caratteristica più imitata negli anni: la fusione delle voci. 1968 Strepitoso successo di "Piccola Katy"....
This name refers to several artists 1) DJ Pooh (born Mark Jordan in Los Angeles, California) is an American record producer, rapper, screenwriter and film director. He has produced albums for Ice Cube, Del tha Funkee Homosapien, LL Cool J, Tha Dogg Pound, King Tee and Tupac Shakur. DJ Pooh began in film by producing the drive-by shooting sequence in the 1991 film, Boyz N the Hood. He then went on in 1995 to help write the film Friday, in which he portrays the character "Red". He has also written, produced and directed his own films, which include the 2000...
YOGURT-pooh is an japanese rock band. YOGURT-pooh(よーぐるとぷー)は、ロック・バンド。 井野洋樹が高校生の時に作ったバンドが原型。その後進学した立命館大学のサークルロックコミューンで知り合ったメンバーらと2001年8月にシングル「ビジネスサーファ」でメジャーデビュー。 宮一敬 (B,Cho) の脱退により、以降は井野洋樹 (Vo,G)、長濱 正剛 (Dr,Cho)、松尾 祐紀 (Gu,Cho) 、得田 聖子 (B) の編成となっている。 2009年8月8日、新高円寺クラブライナーにて復活&解散ライブを行った。 .
The lyrical and musical talent that Pato Pooh possess, is far beyond his 23 years of age. He has in a short period of time managed to make a name for him in the Swedish hip hop and r&b scene and by doing so proving that he is really is one to look out for. Over the past few years he has built a reputation for himself as a notable performer and songwriter. He has performed in many of the top stages and cities of Sweden. Among those include winning several competitions such as Stockholm’s best -hip-hop/R&B 2002, and along...
Spanking Day sort fraîchement mixé par un sorcier bellevillois dénommé Francis Caste (dit Cisco De La Vega), déjà repéré sur les productions de Dysfunctionnal by Choice, Snafu … Enfermés en studio entre juin et septembre 2004 (avec un peu de vacances entre les deux quand même, pour maintenir la paix sociale au sein du groupe), les " désormais " six Flying Pooh - le tromboniste et le percussionniste ont été perdus au restaurant l'Arche sur l'autoroute A10 fin 2002, un accident malheureux… - ont pris leur temps pour offrir un successeur digne de ce nom à Viva San Antonio, sorti...
Ditemukan 184 lagu, durasi: 13:52:38
Stare senza di te
Uomini soli
At it again
Uomini soli
Shiesty Summer
Quello che non sai
Tu vivrai
Stai con me
Piccola Katy
Giorni infiniti
Santa Lucia
Tanta voglia di lei
Pooh Shiesty
Я Бываю В Сетке (Original Mix)
Il cielo è blu sopra le nuvole
Free Pooh Shiesty
L'altra donna
Il cane d'oro
La donna del mio amico
Mi manchi
Shiest Talk (feat. Pooh Shiesty)
Live Mix on Rave History 2021
Pugni chiusi
La casa del sole
Io da solo
FPS (Free Pooh S)
Nel buio
Certified (Feat. Gunna)
La casa del sole
Little funny dance (микс для детей)
Winnie the Pooh
Maria marea
Piccola Katy
Big Purr | Lil Baby Type Beat
Live Mix at Rave History (2021-06-11)