Tomahawk | id

There is more than one artist going by the name Tomahawk 1. US Experimental Rock Band 2. Chinese Metal Band 3. UK Drum & Bass Producer 4. Swiss Hip Hop Artist 5. Russian "punk's not red" band 1. Tomahawk are an experimental alternative metal/alternative rock band from the United States. The band formed in 2000 when Fantômas, ex- Mr. Bungle and Faith No More singer Mike Patton and ex-The Jesus Lizard guitar player Duane Denison started swapping tapes with the intention of collaborating. Duane Denison then recruited ex-Helmet drummer John Stanier (currently playing also with Battles), while Mike Patton brought...
Tomahawks for Targets are a band from the north-east of England. They currently make music using voices, guitars, drums and keyboards. Any change in this will be self-evident. There are four human components in Tomahawks for Targets. Indeed, if one wished to be trite, one could pronounce the band ‘Tomahawks four Targets’, but time is short and such paronomasia is best left to the experts. 75% of Tomahawks for Targets proudly sport full British driving licences. The remainder knows his place. James is the lead vocalist in Tomahawks for Targets. According to a Channel Four documentary, James was a submarine...
The Tomahawk Chop are a pop punk/melodic hardcore band from Long Island, NY. Formed after the break up of The Third Estate (formerly Woms), Tomahawk Chop consisted of remaining members Jesse Litwa (lead guitar), Jeffrey Skaferowsky (bass), Kevin Renna (drums), and Daniel Clemens (lead vocals, guitar). The band began to draw heavy influence from 90's hardcore bands such as Lifetime and Saves The Day and soon put out a 3-song self-titled demo. After only playing one show with the band, Jesse Litwa departed to focus his efforts on his ska band, Royal City Riot. The band continued on as a...
Ditemukan 199 lagu, durasi: 15:59:23
Молодой Питбуль
Белая гвардия
Уличный бой
Вне Закона
Вернем себе сцену!
Королевство кривых зеркал
Depth of Madness
2003 - Mit Gas [Full Album]
levan polka
Молодой Питбуль (TNF Cover)
Don't stop hooligans (T.N.F. Cover)
Exoplanet GJ 504b
levan polkka
Stone Letter
tomahawk (snippet)
Total Beat
Вне Закона
Зомби любят рок
Don't Stop Hooligans!
Is Music
Ievan Polkka (Tomahawk Remix)