Ivo Malec | id

Ivo Malec was born in Zagreb, Croatia. In 1959, he settled in France and joined Pierre Schaeffer in what was to become the GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicales) one year later. When he arrived in Paris, Malec was already a fully equipped composer with a number of works to his credit, including a piano sonata (1949), a cello sonata (1956) and a symphony (1951) as well as several vocal works. He however considers his works written after 1960 as his first mature compositions. His work at the GRM was to prove extremely fruitful for his later musical progress. On the...
Status: Split-Up 2009-2012 Project Adramalech formed in January 2009 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Participated in the project Veliar (Guitars, Vocals, Keyboards) and Frantic (Bass, Programming). But because of differences, Frantic left the project and Veliar Responsible for all tools and programming Music style of Adramalech is Black Metal / Ambient, and the lyrics are connected with the Beauty of Nature and Depression. Adramalech began his journey with the EP album (Adramalech) which was released in May 2009... Official Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/adramalechband Official Blogspot: http://adramalechofficial.blogspot.com/ .