Fourth Dimension AMATORY | id

Amatory are a metalcore band from Saint Petersburg, Russia, who formed in 2001. The band won two awards at the Russian Alternative Music Prize in 2005 and has toured across Russia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, and Finland. Their main discography includes six albums: Вечно прячется судьба (Fortune on the Run, 2003), Неизбежность (Inevitability, 2004), Книга мёртвых (The Book of the Dead, 2006), VII (Seven, 2008), Инстинкт обречённых (The Instinct of the Doomed, 2010) and 6 (Six, 2015). When you are from the largest country on Earth, how do you tell your fellow citizens that you exist? That may...
Forbidden Dimension started out in 1988, just as Jackson Phibes's (aka Aleister Hexxx) previous combo, Color Me Psycho, was calling it quits. Thematically, it was (and remains) dedicated to illustrating a world where Coffin Joe and Julian Karswell run a Rest Home for the Terminally Bewildered in the Old Dark House on Spider Baby Hill. After 18+ years of slogging it out on the Western Canada dive bar/punk club circuit and leaving a small trail of cryptic (yet, as they say in the business, "rockin'") recordings with various line-ups, labels, etc., Phibes blindly figures there still ain't no end in...
Dan Forrestal – guitar, mandolin, piano, vocals Rhys Kealley – guitar, piano, melodica, vocals Michael Miller – lead vocal, acoustic guitar, piano Mick Parker – drums Jesse Delaney – bass Fourth Floor Collapse’s album Books with Broken Spines was in the official top 25 in the Australian Music Prize 2006. They have finished recording their new album, Victoria, due for release on 13 October 2008. Originally from Perth, Fourth Floor Collapse shifted across the country to Melbourne in 2005 to give them opportunity to play their music to more people, more often. Like the band, their music is evocative, emotional...
According to, The Fourth Man is a collaboration between David Collings, also of Numb fame, and Gabriel Abney. The style can be loosely classified as industrial, EBM or dark electro. .
Ditemukan 34 lagu, durasi: 01:57:41
Револьвер (feat AMATORY)
Револьвер (feat. Igor of Amatory)
Револьвер (feat Игос/Amatory)
Револьвер (feat IGOS from Amatory)
Револьвер (feat. Igor of AMATORY)
Револьвер (feat. IGOR из Amatory)
Револьвер (featuring Igos of Amatory)
Сны ♪ (R.I.P. [GANG] from [AMATORY])♫
Револьвер (feat.Игорь - AMATORY)
Револьвер (feat. [IGOS] - [AMATORY])
Револьвер (feat. IGOR from AMATORY)
Револьвер (feat. Игорь - AMATORY)
Револьвер (featuring Igos of Amatory)
Револьвер (feat. Игас - AMATORY)
Сны (R.I.P. Gang from Amatory)
патрон на двоих
Револьвер (feat. Игорь - AMATORY)
Один патрон на двоих
Один патрон на двоих
один патрон на двоих
Револьвер (feat. Игорь - AMATORY)