Koit Toome ja Janne Saar | id

1)Janne is the singer of the former jazz band Room Eleven, she's also known as Janne Schra 2)Janne is an estonian popsinger. Former Nexus member Janne started her career back in automn 2006 with releasing a single, which game very popular in Estonia. After takin a little break, Janne released her second single called "Shiny Lights". It's an up-tempo popsong. 3)Janne is a Finnish male singer/songwriter/guitarist. His career as a musician started in 2007-2008. The songs are acoustic guitar ballads, sung in English. .
Janne Da Arc (ジャンヌダルク) was a japanese rock band. They were able to mix an edgy, crisp sound with catchy melodies-satisfying both hardcore rock/metal fans and those who prefer simple melody. members : Yasu (currently in Acid Black Cherry) as vocalist you on guitar 松本和之/DAMIJAW (Kazuyuki Matsumoto / ka-yu) on bass kiyo on keyboards shuji on drums Osaka 1989. At the age of 14, Yasu and Ka-yu, who went to school together, decide to form a band. The two recruit Kiyo and Chiba. The formation is Yasu on vocals, Ka-yu on bass, Chiba on drums and Kiyo on keyboard. For...
Koit Toome (born 3 January 1979) is an Estonian singer and musical actor. He is one of the best and most popular young singers in Estonia. After nine years of classical piano studies at Tallinn Music School he went to Tallinn Music College to study jazz piano and pop singing in 1994. During his college years he was engaged with a successful pop duo Code One consisting of Koit Toome and Sirli Hiius was formed by the producer Mikk Targo, which had a great run of hits in Estonian music charts wwas to follow until 1998, when the duo split....
Kalmer Tennosaar (23. november 1928 Vastse-Kuuste vald Kiidjärve – 20. september 2004) oli eesti laulja. Tennosaar kasvas üles Kiidjärvel, kus tema isa pidas möldri ametit. Tennosaar ütles enda kohta "Kiidjärve poiss". 1955. aastal võitis Eesti Televisiooni diktorite konkursi. 1. jaanuarist 1956 alustas ta tööd ETV-s diktorina, hiljem jätkas muusikasaadete toimetajana. Ta töötas Eesti Televisioonis algul diktorina, hiljem muusikasaadete toimetajana. Väga populaarne oli tema juhitud laste laulusaade "Entel-tentel", tänu millele tema üldtuntud hüüdnimeks sai "onu Kalmer". 1957. aastal võitis Moskva Noorsoofestivalilt medali. 1962–1968 keskendus Tennosaar oma lauljakarjäärile, tehes teletöös pausi. 1968. aastal saabus suur populaarsus saadetega "Entel-tentel" ja "Trika-trei" ETV ekraanil....
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Sami Saari is a Finnish funk/soul artist. He performed in Veeti & the Velvets before his solo career. He began his solo career in 1997 with the album 'Do Re Mi' and continued to 1999 with the album 'Sam The Man'. 2) Sami Saari is a Finnish electro/house producer. Success for Sami came in the melodic trance came around 2003 with the alias Faraway Project and Castaneda lasting a few years. Having released tracks through labels like Vandit, Lost Language and Afterglow everything seemed to going well but then Sami...
Ditemukan 4 lagu, durasi: 13:59
Mahlakas unenägu (feat. Martin Saar)
Mahlakas unenägu (Ulalala)