NDV | id

Pär Grindvik has been a core person of Swedish electronic music since the nineties as record store-owner, label manager and producer. He is a well established artist and after many years of touring and releases on big name labels like Drumcode, he is now based in Berlin. Enjoying life and inspired by memories and music from the past, combining them with the future of techno, Pär is an artist that always aims to compose music that adds sparkle and curiosity to the scene. Doing this is also the goal of his record label Stockholm LTD. .
Tor Lundvall (born 1968 in Wyckoff, New Jersey, United States) is an American visual artist and ambient composer. Tor Lundvall started writing and recording his own material around 1988 when his brother let him borrow his Tascam 4-track. Tor Lundvall soon learned how to push the machine to its limits, enjoying the simplicity it offered. He has always preferred primitive recording methods and equipment over elaborate computer based programs, and his basic recording setup hasn’t changed much in all this time. His first self-produced album, "Passing Through Alone" (1997) could be categorized in the Industrial music genre, as it shared...
Lanverraad is a power violence band from Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was formed in 2010 by former members of hardcore punk and thrashcore bands as Betercore, Grinding Halt, Hysteria, Tyrannicide, Sandcreek Massacre, Sloth, and Damage Repair. "Short songs, long speeches." http://landverraad.bandcamp.com/ http://landverraad.wordpress.com/ .
Nick D'Virgilio is an American drummer, often referred to as NDV, perhaps best known as a member of the progressive rock band Spock's Beard. He was also one of two drummers chosen to replace Phil Collins in Genesis on the Calling All Stations sessions. He has also done session work with many artists including Tears for Fears. The Shaming of the True, Kevin Gilbert's second solo album, was released posthumously. The album was incomplete, but Gilbert's estate asked D'Virgilio to complete it based on the extant tapes and Gilbert's notes. Shaming was released in 2000 and has D'Virgilio on many...
Landvaettir is a pagan black metal band from Normandy (France, currently active in Orleans). The band was formed in 2000. The members say they play "Normand Asatrù Pagan Black Metal". The lyrical themes are the glorious past of Normandy and Asatrù religion. The band members are trying to make the Asatrù (old pagan scandinavian religion) a respectable religion and they protect the interests of their land (the unity of Normandy, learning Icelandic language at school, towns signspots written in French-Icelandic display, and the re-establishment of the worship of Asatru). Etymologically, "landvættir" means spirits guardians of the places, which is also...