ESC 09 - Poland | id

There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Poland is a music making lady previously called Holland. ( 2) Poland is a techno, electro rock beat band from Italy, (previously a disparate collection of city states and principalities). 3) Poland is an American pop band from Seattle ( .
Chris Poland (born as Christopher Poland on December 1, 1957) is a jazz - fusion guitar player. He started playing in high school in Dunkirk, New York in the rock/jazz band called Welkin. 1977-1982 the fusion band the New Yorkers and is mostly known for playing in the thrash metal band Megadeth between 1984 and 1987. Chris recorded two albums with Megadeth; Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good! (1985) and Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?(1986). Chris was dismissed from Megadeth after a show in Hawaii (along with the band's drummer Gar Samuelson) under suspicion of stealing and selling...
I Love Poland are Marc Almond-style kitchen sink dramas, glam rock, camp electro disco, with experimental pop songs. We want to be famous. It was always one of my aspirations to become more physical. We want to appeal to everyone. I'd like to think we're not only trying to appeal to students and grocers. You can't choose who buys your record - it's in a shop, it could be murderers or bakers. We are going in search of sleaze, We haven't got a sexual obsession. We met after I threw a wobbler when he pissed into a shoebox to see...
Jessie Poland, described as “curiously talented” by an early reviewer, has been performing her own songs since age 14. From the beginning Jessie’s unusually powerful voice, searingly truthful lyrics and uniquely crafted melodies have been attracting wide media attention, culminating in a two page spread in Ellegirl Magazine. Now 18, Jessie’s music has matured into a quirky mix of jazzy pop/roots/rock alternative reflecting such early influences as Van Morrison and Lisa Loeb, and more currently Roy Orbison, Death Cab for Cutie, Rilo Kiley and the Everly brothers. Jessie says, “ just think of me as if Rilo Kiley, Death Cab...
Ditemukan 1 lagu, durasi: 02:59
I Don't Wanna Leave