Miriodor | id

Miriodor, one of the world's most renowned emissaries in the field of what is known as Rock in Opposition (initiated by Henry Cow), combines equal parts jazz, progressive rock and chamber music into a powerful sound that may remind of better known artists like Univers Zéro or Art Zoyd. Music that is full of fire and eclecticism, but a bit more heavy on the melodic end. Bass player Nicolas Masino came up with this description of Miriodor's music: "rock-oriented post-modern chamber music, with definite humorous overtones." From Montreal, Miriodor started out as a six piece in the early '80s -...
Ditemukan 194 lagu, durasi: 18:06:30
Conflit d'Horaires
La roue
Le Regne Des Termites [Bugs]
Lizard's Language
Reconfort metaphysique (Solace)
Échec et mat / Checkmate
L'inévitable [The Inevitable]
Mata Hari
Le Sorcier [The Warlock]
Igor, L'ours A Moto = Igor, The Motorbike Bear
The Ghost Of M.C. Escher
La Maison - Dieu
Lizard's Language
Un cas siberien
Le règne des termites [Bugs]
Le Terrible Naufrage du petit navire
Un cas siberien
Langage de Lezard (Lizard's Language)
Funeral March
Speed-dating sur Mars
etes-vous costaud
Transsibérien (Trans-Siberian)
Debout (Standing)
Boite A Surprises
Convoi Nocturne (Nocturnal Procession)
Piège (Trap)
Cheval fou
En Attendant Remi (Waiting For Remi)
Experience 7
Assembly Of Spirits
Mine de rien [Mine of Nothingness]
Singularité [Aztek Boogie]
Mangeur de masters [A Master Tape Snack]
Piege (Trap)
Le Lanceur De Couteaux
Standard Deviation