Albert Frost | id

Alberto Plaza Aguirre (n. Santiago, 12 de febrero de 1962), es un cantautor chileno, famoso por éxitos como "Que cante la vida", con el que obtuvo el tercer lugar en el Festival de la Canción de Viña del Mar en 1985; "Bandido", "Milagro de abril" y "Voy a cambiar el mundo", entre otras. Plaza se declaró miembro de la cienciología en 2009. .
There are at least two artists which share the name Hoarfrost. 1. Hoarfrost is a dark ambient/industrial project, created in 2006 in Silesia, an industrial region of Poland. They have released several albums, contributed songs to compilations, and have performed live in Poland and Ireland. 2. Hoarfrost are a melodic black/dark metal band founded in 2008 from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. They have considerable influences from Viking, melodic death, doom, and black 'n' roll subgenres. In 2009 they released an EP entitled "The Cold Plains" which was more melodic/blackened death metal in style. They were the first band to refer to...
There are several bands/artists with the name Frost. 1. Frost are a Norwegian trip-hop act. From their website. Norwegian trip-hop duo Frost is a collaboration between Aggie Peterson and Per Martinsen. Together they make melodic songs about changing the world backed by tasteful electronic sounds - more often than not touched by the all-embracing hand of disco. Frost was initially formed in 1997 in Tromsø, Northern Norway, with singer/writer Miss Aggie Peterson and Norwegian Dub Disco entrepreneur DJ Rune Lindbæk at the core of the project. Together, and with the extended assistance of Mr. Torbjørn Brundtland (now Röyksopp) in addition...
This man is the founder of ..1 super sound station He produced the acclaimed dublab cd compilations freeways (Emperor Norton Records) and summer (Hefty Records). Frosty has rocked decks across the US and Europe and was nominated by the LA Weekly as best selector. Recently, Frosty curated a shining art show, UP OUR SLEEVE: the dublab covers project. He writes run-ons for XLR8R Magazine and spends days advising, connecting, and promoting brilliant young music makers. Frosty is shaping a world with wide sound vibes. Frosty DJs a program called Celsius Drop on the internet radio station, .
More than clever verses and catchy choruses, truly timeless albums offer listeners the keys to another world; they catapult you into another frame of mind and jostle your soul a little bit along the way. Broken Side of Time, Alberta Cross’ ATO Records debut, is one of those albums. A cathartic, kaleidoscope of influences, from Depeche Mode to The Band, it’s also the sound of Alberta Cross’ two principals—frontman/guitarist-vocalist Petter Ericson Stakee and bassist Terry Wolfers—going for broke and stumbling across the sound of their dreams in the process. Broken Side of Time took root in an April 2008 jam...