TenchuX | id

TenchuX (also known as Tenchu before he made an official name switch to do a conflict with a Japanese band of the same name) has been into the production of remixing/remastering video game music since he first was shown a program called Fruity Loops 4 in June of 2003. Since then he has made songs in a broad range of genres. Be it trance, country, or orchestration he has attempted it thus far. His popular Chrono Cross remix "She Was Dreaming In The Rain" has been featured on Remix.ThaSauce.net. http://remix.thasauce.net/song.php?id=40 He "was" also prominent at Newgrounds.com with all his songs...
Ditemukan 35 lagu, durasi: 01:40:23
Theme of Samus Aran (Galactic Warrior)
Brinstar (Red Soil Swampy Area)
Warcraft II: Prologue - Remastered
Super Metroid - Planet Zebes (Arrival on Crateria)
She Was Dreaming In The Rain (ID: 17044)
Big Boss Confrontation (Ridley - Draygon) + Escape
Chrono Cross: She Was Dreaming In The Rain
Luigi's Mansion: Outside & Boss Battle ~ Remixed
Maridia (Rocky Underwater Area)
Brinstar (Overgrown With Vegetation Area)
Warcraft II Human #2 - Remastered (TX5)
Theme of Super Metroid
Megaman 7 - Shademan's Secret (ID: 18936)
Opening (Destruction of the Space Colony)
Boss Confrontation (Spore Spawn - Botwoon)
Ninja Gaiden: Mine (Act 4-2) (ID: 362923)
Maridia (Drifting Sands Underwater Area)
Deus Ex: UNATCO ~ Remastered
Crateria (The Space Pirates Appear)
Norfair (Ancient Ruins Area)
Top Gear: Track 1 ~ Remastered
Secret of Mana - Not The End
FF7 - A Haven in the Sky II
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Special Stage
Sonic 3 - Ice Capped S.V. (ID: 19198)
Norfair (Hot Lava Area)
Mysterious Statue Room (Entrance to Tourian)
Mother Brain Confrontation
Warcraft II: Human #1 - Remastered (TX1)
Wrecked Ship
Item Room + Fanfare
Freezeezy Peak Remastered by tenchux