Autopsy | id

Awaiting The Autopsy is a slamming brutal death metal band from Münster, Germany. They formed in 2007 by Ulli (Vocals), Briel (Guitars) and Chris (Drums, Poostew, Corporectomy) to play some of the sickest brutal death metal being made on this planet. The band do this well with their crushing guitars, blasting catchy drum patterns and guttural to high screamed vocals like Begging for incest meets Guttural Secrete. The band set to work immediately with a 2-song demo "Eight Girls Instead of Nine" in 2007 via Amputated Vein Records which boosted their career in the underground because of the hyped up...
Annotations of an Autopsy is a deathcore band from the UK, influenced by bands such as Morbid Angel, Decapitated, Devourment, Deeds of Flesh, Crowbar and Pantera. AOAA were formed in 2006 and have released two albums (2008's "Before the Throne of Infection" and 2010's "The Reign of Darkness"), as well as two EPs (2007's "Welcome to Sludge City" and 2011's "Dark Days"). On January 18th 2010, they released their 2nd full length album entitled "The Reign of Darkness" on Nuclear Blast records, which sees them taking a more traditional death metal approach to writing. However the band has reverted to...
Over the past year, Fit For An Autopsy has grown into a monster. With a few member changes and a new outlook on the music they want to create, FFAA will carve their name into the backs of every venue they play. New singer Nate Johnson, (former member of Deadwater Drowning, Premonitions of War, Since the Flood, and many others), bass player Seth (ex-Acacia Strain), drummer Brian (ex-Forgetting Tomorrow) along with original members Will (ex-Signed With Hate, Forgetting Tomorrow, Nothing Left To Mourn), and Pat (ex-Shattered Realm, Nothing Left To Mourn) on guitar, Fit For An Autopsy is complete. If...
Flesh Autopsy adalah band Progressive Death Metal dari Bandung Jawa Barat. Flesh Autopsy didirikan sekitar 2009 oleh beberapa masyarakat minoritas yang tertarik dengan musik extreme, pada 27 Maret 2009 line up pertama kami adalah Diki Anugrah Senage sebagai Vocalist, Muhammad Kevin Raf Sanjani sebagai Guitarist, Dika Adhiansyah sebagai Bassist, Muhammad Riban Fathoni sebagai Drummer. Pada April 2009 formasi ini tidak bertahan cukup lama, drumer kami Riban resign dari Flesh Autopsy dikarenakan kesibukan nya sekolah . Sekitar bulan Juli 2009 Flesh Autopsy membuat formasi baru dengan menambahkan drummer baru, yaitu Beny Juliansyah sebagai Drummer. Dan pada November 2010 kami manambahkan satu...
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Autopsy is an influential death metal band, founded in 1987 in the United States by Chris Reifert after leaving Death. Beginning their career with the Severed Survival LP, Autopsy took on a sound similar to that of Scream Bloody Gore era Death, but soon moved on to a doom metal influenced sound for the Retribution for the Dead EP. The next full-length, Mental Funeral, would expand on Autopsy's "death doom" style of metal, and was met with great critical acclaim. Having completed a successful European tour soon after Mental Funeral, the band...
Ditemukan 196 lagu, durasi: 17:47:05
When The Bulbs Burn Out
Absolute Hope Absolute Hell
Heads Will Hang
666 Corpse Autopsy
Black Mammoth
Corpse Collector
Ashes, Organs, Blood And Crypts
Humanness Deprivation
Born To Kill
Well Of Entrails
Death Is The Answer
Atrocities and Humiliations
Mental Funeral (1991) (Full Album)
Edible Autopsy
1989 - Severed Survival (Full album)
The Perfect Drug
Repentance Time
Doused with Acid
She Is A Funeral
My Perverse Business
When Hammer Meets Bone
1991 - "Mental Funeral" (Full Album)
Cuckold Killer
1988 - Critical Madness (Full Demo)
Mouth of Hell (ft. Joe Bad of Fit for an Autopsy)
1989 - Severed Survival (Full Album)
Cartoon Autopsy