Lalo+Guerrero | id

José Pablo Guerrero Cabanillas, cantautor y poeta extremeño afincado en Madrid desde finales de los años 60. Utiliza un estilo sobrio y poético en los textos de sus canciones. Musicalmente parte de armonías y melodías tradicionales de su tierra aderezadas con sonidos del folk americano, el rock, el jazz o el flamenco. A mediados de los años 80 introduce ritmos africanos y de otras culturas, además de sonoridades más vanguardistas como el minimalismo, la música aleatoria, el ambient o la música electrónica. Es un cantante español con una larga y reconocida carrera artística. Aunque más conocido como cantautor, como poeta...
(translation from the Belgian wiki Didier Laloy(11 June 1974 in Etterbeek , in the region of Brussels-Capital) discovered the accordion at the age of 13 years during a street party organized by his mother, Mireille. Immediately, Didier fell in love with the instrument and soon began to participate in numerous workshops, which included Borzée with Bruno Le Tron, Marc Perrone, and Jean-Pierre Yvert. From his first steps, his teachers were impressed by the talent and innovative style of the young beginner, who also played everything by ear. They expressed their enthusiasm to his parents. Even before his 18th birthday,...
villalog sind marc muncke und michi duscher. villalog spielen elektronischen voodoo-kraut-dub: electro-mantras strukturieren freifliessende soundscapes und melodiefolgen. die instrumente sind so digital wie ein sampler und so analog wie eine gitarre. gegründet 1998 in wien, erschienen sie seit dezember 2000 zu dritt mit b fleischmann am schlagzeug. seit 2007 mit den vocals von Teppei Ozawa. platten: "detroit-brasilia-odessa" 12-inch single (para recordings/soul seduction; august 2000)- 12INCH45 "tandoori chicken neunmarkneunzig/roter planet" 12-inch single(para recordings/soul seduction, september 2002) "villalog" cd (parec 006, dezember 2003) "zwei" cd (Angelika Köhlermann/Hoanzl, 2007) sowie: "detroit" radio edit auf der FM4 sound selection 6 "could you do that...
TONY GUERRERO has established himself in a variety of areas over the last twenty years. His work as a contemporary jazz flugelhornist, trumpeter, composer and producer has garnered him both critical success and a world-wide audience. He has toured the United States and much of the world as a headliner in major jazz festivals, concert venues and clubs and has enjoyed commercial radio success not only with his own releases but with music he's written for other artists. To date, he has released 8 solo CDs as well as a variety of special releases and has appeared on countless other...