Latent Notion | id

Born into the information age, when everything is a mouse click away has made life for everyone much easier. The internet can bring you information only expensive text books use to, it can make the average joe famous over night, and it can bring people together from across distant oceans. Some would say it makes the DJ’s life easier; vinyl’s that used to be bought in record stores after hours of searching are now transferred to your PC in seconds, it makes marketing almost cost free and it brings fellow musically inclined people together. This is how Miki Stefanoski (Inox)...
So, my name is Nick. I make music, and I like to say the word banana. Welcome to the unequivocal fires of Hades. .
Latent Notion were formed back in 2003 when Bobule & Strike joined forces with a mission to make music that they believed in. There is no set music policy for LN, just music made in the hope that others will find it inspiring. A blend of every influence from ambient to screaming insanity, from Aphex to Zappa, to create a eclectic mix of music. .