Pond | id

Home: http://thepondmusic.com/ self-titled album out on May 28, 2012. Kathryn Williams is launching a new project called 'The Pond.' A trio with Simon Edwards and Ginny Clee, the project mixed by Portishead’s Adrian Utley. http://www.myspace.com/kathrynwilliams http://www.facebook.com/KathrynWilliamsMusic http://kathrynwilliams.co.uk/ .
There are several bands using this name: 1) Despondent are a speedy fast skate punk band from Leicester with all spikey guitar riffs and snotty vocals with 100mph drums thrown in for good measure. Despondent spawned in August 2004 when Reuben Vaughan (guitar/vox, ex-Third Hardest) and Luke Richards (bass/bvox, ex-Third Hardest) had some songs they'd written with some hard-hitting political and sociological lyrics, they just needed a drummer to bring the songs to life. Enter Nik Coley (drums/bvox, ex-Charybdis, Skoona & Mr. Tickle), and after a few practices the sound was complete. A couple of gigs and about a month...
Pondertone are a band from Utrecht, the Netherlands, formed around Patrick Tersteeg and Tom Swart. In their music they try to combine and redefine the borders between tradition and experiment, seriousness and lunacy. All subjects Great and Small such as love, alcohol and problems regarding communication are (mis)treated. Everyday stories, surreal dreams, statements and sheer banter are all part of the Pondertone vocabulary. Guitars, pianos and the lot are caressed and tortured, resulting in an evening filled with cranky garage rock, heartfelt whiskeybar ballads and everything in between, served with a spoonful of anarchy. Personnel: Patrick Tersteeg: vocals, bass guitar,...
SHROUD OF DESPONDENCY Line-up: Rory Heikkila - Guitar Ron Blemberg - Vocals Jon Liedtke - Guitar Tyler Okrzesik - Bass Spencer Powers-Drums Discography: - 2000 - Of Nightfalls Silence (Demo) - 2001 - For Eternity Brings No Hope -2002-Forced To Wander Into Nothing - 2003 - Dead to Earth / Shroud of Despondency (Split with Dead to Earth) -2003 Fairytales From The Tunnel Of Puke - 2004 - Whispers From An Empty Room (Split with Algol) - 2005 - Shroud Of Despondency/Fuckpot/Leonard (Split with Fuckpot and Leonard) - 2009 - Objective:Isolation - 2010 - Dark Meditations In Monastic Seclusion -2011-Live...
Frogpond was formed in the small Midwestern college town of Warrensburg, Missouri, in 1994. Heidi Phillips had been playing the drums since the age of 14, then expanded her instrumental repertoire a few years later when she picked up a guitar with the intention of writing songs and starting her own band. "I was insecure and didn't want to jump in with a bunch of people that were really good," Heidi confesses, remembering the first incarnation of Frogpond, "so I asked some friends to be in a band with me." As the band metamorphosed, members joined based on their enthusiasm...