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1) Anti-cosmic Black Metal in the tradition of Dark Germanic Heathenism. The essence of Wod is total destruction and submission to the superior forces of evil. Wod is the rage of the primeval Abyss. Wod hails everything that contributes to the despair of life and total destruction of cosmos. Wod is fundamental worship of the Lords of chaos – the Abyss – the primordial void - Ginnungagap.

One of the Side Projects of Orm (Ormgård, Domgård, Tyrant)

It is Orm that runs Scythe of Death Productions which is a label that spreads anti-cosmic propaganda, with main focus on Dankwaþiudiskatruwōn (dark Germanic heathenism).

So far released 3 Demos and 1 Split with Waffenweihe

Förintelsen - Demo, 2001
Obskyr Förbannelse - Demo, 2003
Terror - Split, 2004
Rekwifrîhalsjaz - Demo, 2007

2) WOD is an alternative/garage punk band from Melbourne, Australia. Their debut album (I’m Going To Tell Everyone We Slept Together Even If We Didn’t) came out in 2015 on Cassette and sold out in record time. The album is also available via BandCamp @ http://wodtapes.bandcamp.com/releases. .

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