The Chalk Giants | id

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England. The twentieth century: Teeny-tiny indie jingle-janglers make microscopic impact on the Thames Valley "scene" (what scene?) of the early nineties i.e. two square inches in the NME, 18th May 1991; half a dozen plays on Reading's local radio station (they taped them all); more than a few sweaty evenings where the roar of the crowd and the fug from the Courage brewery convinced them they were going to be the next big things. CUT TO: The Future. (i.e. Now). Gnawing doubts emerge that they may not in fact be the next big things. Doubts trampled underfoot by the continuing appearance of dazzling new material. And the news that their debut (OK, only) 12" vinyl EP "Throw It Away" now officially "collectable in Japan". No, really. .

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