Soul Destroyer | id

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1. Finnish Pagan Black Metal Band.
- ''Suomen Maa'' First Demo
-'' Heimoni Kunnia '' Second Demo

2.Soul Destroyer was a London-based industrial-rock band, consisting of 2face (vocals and programming), 138 (guitar and vocals) and dkay (persussion vocals and effects). Producing a sound that they described as a "cross between the Beastie Boys and AC/DC", they were known for playing gigs in suits and clear plastic masks, and with a strong stage presence - energetic dancing from the members, with 2face swigging from a vodka bottle and singing lyrics up close with members of the audience. Due to a series of bad gigs and dwindling interest, Sould Destroyer have been on hiatus since October 2009, leaving the message on their Myspace "SD is going to sleep now".

They produced a sampler - the Soul Destroyer EP, with four tracks, which then went on to make the album "Faceless", consisting of a full thirteen tracks, ending with the firm favourite "I Hate You", the song they always ended their gigs with - a stream of invective against the world. A second album was rumoured, but didn't surface due to the band going on hiatus.

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