Rytis Mažulis | id

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Rytis Mažulis (b.1961) is one of the most distinctive Lithuanian composers, representing super-minimalist trend in Lithuanian music, taking into account always the same repetitive principles, supplemented with new ideas close to various avant-garde techniques. Having felt the strong influence of Conlon Nancarrow's and Giacinto Scelsi's concepts, he writes radical monistic compositions, based only on a canon technique, and frequently using computers. Though there are relics of Renaissance polyphony in his music, in its compressed sound it is sometimes more akin to rock; in its hyper-dissonance and microintervals – to Scelsi's contemplations; and with regard to its form – to gigantic op art compositions, exhibiting very slowly and consecutively alternating constellations. Mažulis' music bears a fairly distinctive mark of laboratory work, though it does maintain a balance of academic correctness. .

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