Pseudostratiffied Epithelium | id

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Pseudo S.E. was born in the early 90's in San Jose, Costa Rica. At the
beginning the idea was to be a grindcore band; this idea was accomplished
with the original members Ronald Jiménez (vocals), Alfonso Pérez (guitars, bass, drums).
There was another member at that time called Johans Pereira, who play drums.

With these members, Pseudo recorded the first demo called Grotesque Genital Dismemberment.
With this first work, Pseudo get attention at the recent costarican death metal scene.

Problems between Ronald and Alfonson ended with their music relation. The band was stopped
until Ronald decided to find new members to continue with the band.

After a year, he found three guys in the San Pedro area, which is a part of San Jose known
for its night activity, with a lot of bars. At the beginning of 94, they started to play with
Pseudo. So, Pseudo was completed again with Ronald Jiménez (vocals), Mauricio Baltodano
(guitars), Marco Mora (bass), Fernando Baltodano (drums). NOtice that Mauricio and Fernando
were brothers.

Only three months later of their first rehearsal, they played in a concert with the mexican
Death metal band Cenotaph. The local scene was pleased with their performance and they started
to gain their reputation of being one of the first brutal grindcore bands in the country.

They enter to studio and record a classic of costarican death metal, which is still remembered
up to date; Sodomizing Children Corpses.

This demo was recorded in The Mix studio, and was produced by the mexican record company
American Line. It has a huge distribution by that label, and new oportunities were
opened for Pseudo S.E. worldwide.

On january of 96, Pseudo was invited to join a mini tour to El Salvador and Guatemala,
which was their first oportunity to take their brutal grindcore music out of costa Rica.
It was an big oportunity and a great experience for the band.

Back on Costa Rica, the band enter again to The Mix studios, and started the recording
of Sinistrous Necromantika, their third work, more oriented to a death black style.
This record has great success, and even today can be found in internet. In this album,
Luis Gdur was part of the band as guitar player.

With this work, the band was known in far lands as Europe and Japan, and other Asian

After that record, Ronald Jimenez left the band for personal reasons.

The band kept the idea of play death metal, and they continue playing until they recorded
Into the Flames, an 8 song disc. This was the next Pseudo work, after 5 years out of the
studio. Again, the Mix was chosen to record and this time, the record was produced by
Bloodbath Records. This is their first full lengh album, it was recorded in 2001 and
came out until 2004.

Marco had some problems, and then they recluted Fabian Vargas, Who played with other
local grindcore band, Cangrena; to play in the concert of Behemoth in Costa Rica in 2004.

In a few months later, the band visit Panama, they played in Chiriqui and in Panama City.
In that oportunity, Marco played the bass and Fabian played the second guitar. Along with
them, Arsenal was on that tour as well. This was the last time Marco played with them, because
he left the band for personal problems.

Being ready the new material to be recorded, Fabian left the band as well; but this did not
was a problem, because the Baltodano brothers decided to record themselves their last album
up to date, Dolonia was produced again by Bloodbath records. It is important to say that
in this album, they achieved a more structured death metal, and also they left back their
typical lyrics; being the Dolonia a conceptual album based on The Iliad, lyric poem by Homer
based on the war of Troy.

Once the album was finished, Fabian Vargas return to the band, conforming the band as of

At this moment, the band is creating new songs, and they are planning to record them soon.

In Adition, on 2009 the record label Nuclear War Now produced a re-issue of the "Into the Flames"
album, with new art and on LP format.

The band has played with international bands as Marduk, Cenotaph, Master, Avulsed, Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth, Hypocrisy, Raices Torcidas, Disgorge. .

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