Pillar Point | id

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It shouldn’t come as a surprise if something about Pillar Point’s nine-song self-titled album sounds familiar. Despite being the band’s debut, the moody, melancholy electronica is the work of Scott Reitherman, who until now has been primarily known for his involvement with indie-pop outfit Throw Me The Statue. And while Reitherman’s new project shows off a never-before-seen gloom, his knack for writing tracks that crystalize emotion and work their way into a listener’s guts isn’t at all obscured.

The album, produced by Reitherman’s longtime collaborator Charlie Smith, is a musical departure for the Bay Area native. As Reitherman explains, “Part of what steered me toward the textures and beats of dance music was the feeling of catharsis you can experience through dance." It’s a noble idea, considering the themes Reitherman’s songs are dealing with: heartbreak, loneliness, aging and isolation in an increasingly connected world. .

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