Mall Security | id

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Mall Security is Steve Lutes, of South Bend, Indiana. Steve has a style of highly complex digital programming over synth melodies, ranging from downtempo IDM, to songs approaching full-blown synth-pop. His sounds are continually fascinating and ever-evolving. He is a very prolific artist, also recording under the name Kontyx and forming one half of The Red Falcon Projects with Dorosoto. He has years of material already under his belt, with much more in the works. His first formal offering came in his debut full-length, 'Things I Thought Of And Made' and helped him emerge as one of the favorites among fans of the label. He followed in 2009 with helping launch the debut installment of I, Absentee's 'The Twilight Fires' 3" series, featuring remixes from Mrs Jynx, Koen Park and Phasen. .