Cinema | id

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There are at least 8 artists with this name:

1. Mexican Pop/Rock band from Monterrey.
2. A funk/R&B outfit from Minneapolis that recorded the album "Wrong House" which featured the hit song "Put You In My Pocket".
3. (also known as/typeset as: Cinema NJ) The former progressive/post-rock project of Nate Wagner ( Wagner wrote music under the Cinema moniker from 2010-12, collaborating with drummer Benni Frenz and pianist/vocalist Kat Siochi along the way. Wagner is now writing various noise music/music music with An Occasion for Balloons and The Night Wars.
4. A 80s progressive/punk rock band that made Motor City Rock's top ten bands contest two times.
5.The former post punk band ICICLE WORKS that disbanded in the early 80's.
6. Finnish synthpop band that was active in 1984 and recorded one album "Cinema"
7. Symphonic prog band from Japan.
8. A 1980s South African pop group that had a 1987 hit with "My Kind of Girl".

CINEMA can be classified as either an offshoot or a reformation of the long-running Japanese symphonic project FROMAGE, who disbanded in1991 after more than a dozen years and numerous lineups. Guitarist Tohru Ohta, drummer Yuichi Taniguchi and keyboardist Yoshihiro Kitamura, who were all part of the final FROMAGE lineup came together to form CINEMA in 1994 (only Taniguchi was an original member of FROMAGE).

While CINEMA retain a symphonic string presence in the band, their orchestral arrangements are more sparse than their predecessor, and much of the non-traditional sound comes from synthesized keyboards which are played by no less than three of the band's members. Their delicate arrangements can be compared to other chamber-leaning symphonic groups such as VERDUN or VIRGINIA ASTLEY, although the occasional guitar riff is closer to the melding of symphonic and neo-prog found in bands like KAYO DOT, including the use of native Asian percussion.

Like their forbearers FROMAGE, CINEMA tour mostly in Asia and release material sporadically, with only three studio albums to their credit in the past twelve years.

CINEMA deserve recognition in the Archives due to the symphonic nature of their music, complex arrangements and diverse instrumentation, and their pedigree as a second-generation progressive band.

Bob Moore (ClemofNazareth) .

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