Boneva | id

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Boneva (Yiğit Bilâl İlgüz) was born in Istanbul. He is 21 years old.Boneva was meet with electro-gothic music 5 years before. He has got a wery good electro sound! He doesnt want make this style! One day, Boneva was listening.Travma Songs at the He was feel the mixed sensations, He was thinks that; make a new psychedelic sound! Boneva is start to work on the new goa trance projects! He was meet with agneton! He did make release with agneton from sita records! Song name is Andromeda! But this style was not enough for the album! Agneton was make a remix for him and he was relased than Sita Records with the Andromeda (Agnets Red Sunset Remix) He is busy with nitzho-goa sound now! .