Alukard | id

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Over the last decade, the music scene in Miami continues to evolve with the ever changing face that is rock music. Many local bands struggle to survive with most meeting a sad and unfortunate demise. During this time, the musical group known as Alukard has managed not only to endure, but flourish in the local music scene as a noteworthy representative for the sound of Miami. Alukard was founded in 1998 by Zaigone and then member Disrupt but weren't active until 2002 when LeveL rejoined the band after a hiatus in Brooklyn, NY. The final members of AlukarD came together throughout the years, including Stephen Varella in 2004, Jason Pupo in 2006, and E. Grizzly in 2008. The idea is to create music on the premises that a genuine, fresh and unique sound portraying the everyday struggle of youth in Miami is not only necessary but long overdue. This combination of musicians fuses a classic punk rock attitude and hip-hop rhyme singing which fills a void in a community known for Reggaeton, Electronic Dance, and Crunk Rap music. Since their start, AlukarD has played over 200 shows throughout the East Coast and have opened for headliners such as Pennywise, Pepper, Canibus, The Ataris, Jeru The Damaja & more. They also founded the company A-Ha! Events, which promotes local indie shows throughout South Florida and recently received a national sponsorship by Jagermeister. The band's first studio album is scheduled to be released under Labeless Records in 2009. .

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