Heid | fr

Heidevolk est groupe de Folk Metal Néerlandais de la province de Gueldre, plus précisement à Arnhem, dont le nom signifierait "peuple de la terre de bruyère". il a vue le jour en 2002, fondé par six musiciens, d'abord sous le nom de Hymir. Leurs textes sont chantés dans leur langue maternelle, le Néerlandais, avec comme thématiques la nature, la mythologie germanique, le folkore et l'histoire de Gueldre. Membres actuels: Joris Boghtdrincker: chant (depuis 2002); Sebas van Eldick Bleoddorst: guitare (depuis 2002); Joost Westdijk den Vellenknotscher: batteries et percussions (depuis 2002); Mark Bockting Splintervuyscht: chant (depuis 2005); Reamon Bloem Bomenbreker: guitare...
Heidi Kyrö is a Finnish schlager/pop artist born on the 8th of January 1978. She has taken twice part in the Finnish preselection for the Eurovision Song Contest. In 2000 the song was "Taivas aukeaa" (Sky opens up) and in 2004 the song was "Dance My Heart Away" which Heidi performed with a girl group called just. Releases: Ensisingle 1993 Souvareiden kanssa Tangomarkkinat VI-kokoelma LP (1993) Heidi Kyrö (1994) Tykkään susta (1995) Rakkauden palapeli (1996) Tuut mua rakastamaan (1998) Heidi Kyrö parhaat (1998) Portti sydämeen (1999) Teit sen taas (2001) Heidi Kyrö - Parhaat (2004) Irtiotto (2006) .
Czech Republic (2003 - present) Heiden starts up in summer 2003 as raw Pagan black metal project founded by Kverd (the driving force behind the band) and very soon became his priority. After that, Tom aka Varnag joined the band and “monster” starts to breathe. First simple steps on a musical field lined with nature mysticism and celtic heritage were represented by one demo and two project full-lenght albums, but a taste to continue in this form falls off soon With increasing number of similar bands and projects. The well simply runs dry. Years 2006 - 2007 go past around...
There are atleast two artists with this name 1) Heidrun is a Swedish viking rock band from Värmland. 2) Black Metal band from Belgium. .
Heidi Hauge is a country singer from Norway. Biography Heidi Hauge was born in Skien, Norway, on October 14th 1967. Besides the fact that Heidi Hauge is the best selling country-singer in Scandinavia, she's also a mother of four children. How she manages to balance the time and needs, is something that confuses most of us. In Heidi's case, the answer might be that she's always been active. In her youth, she liked different kinds of sporting activities and she learned how to play the fiddle and the guitar. After that Heidi Hauge finished her studies (health/social), she worked in...