Urgent | fr

Insurgent Kid from Umeå, Sweden, has only been around for less then one year, but in the short time they have existed they have already played a lot of shows in Sweden, toured two weeks in China, and recorded and produced their debut full-length album. Their album titled Paranoia, released by Wasted Sounds, this is without a doubt a band to keep your eyes on. .
There are several bands called Urgent. 1) The US band Urgent - they released two albums: 1984´s Cast the First Stone including the huge hit Running Back and 1987´s Thinking Out Loud 2) The Canadian band Urgent - they released only one album: 1984´s Timing, which is often wrongly connected with the US band Urgent. 3) The French band Urgent - Formed in France in the early 90's. They Released a mini CD in 2002 - Hold On. They have released two albums to date: Out of Time was recorded in 2004 & released in 2005. The newest album Asylum...
Spitalul de Urgenţă, literally "Emergency Hospital", is a Romanian rock band, integrating elements of traditional Romanian music into a sometimes hard-edged rock sound, although also incorporating influences as diverse as Balkan folk music, European classical music, and cartoon soundtrack music. The group was formed 2000 in Bucharest, Romania. Spitalul de Urgenţă is also the Romanian title of the American television show ER, but band leader Dan Helciug says that the name actually derived from a time they were playing a concert and "all the musicians arrived injured… we looked like a band from a hospital."Helciug has now worked with quite...