29-33Hz Pitbull (Screwed) | fr

Texas-based PITBULL DAYCARE is unique indeed. They combine the hard, aggressive beats of modern industrial music and some inspired electronica sampling with a ferocious guitar attack that is unrivaled in today's metal scene-think NINE INCH NAILS meets the SEX PISTOLS. PITBULL DAYCARE is nothing short of a true experimental band on the edge of a technological age, exploring imagery both vivid and immediate while offering many different shades of color on a single digital landscape. "PITBULL DAYCARE's music is nothing less than an innovator's masterpiece," says G.E. Sierra of CD Now. CDs include: Six Six Sex, 1998 Unclean, 2004 You,...
Plus de deux ans après son premier album Sacre des Morpions et de nombreux lives aux cotés de Venetian Snares ou encore High Tone, Pitbull The Sexydog, extra-terrestre picard et hyperactif du studio, revient en ce jour de St Valentin avec son Objectum Sexuality, véritable dépucelage sonore aux ambiances inquiétantes et aux rythmiques déconstruites. Mariage entre mélodies troubles et avalanche de bpm où les amateurs de breakcore, d’electro et de drum’n'bass deviendront à leur tour aussi, des Objectùm-Sexuels. L’objet en question comporte 8 titres dont 2 featurings avec Doppelganger² et un remix-clin d’œil à Yarkouy. More than two years after...
Pitbullfarm is a psychobilly band from Sweden who formed in 2002. Lead singer is Jocke Karlsson who previously sang in the racist band Pluton Svea. Although strong in language there is nothing racist in the lyrics of Pitbullfarm, just a general dislike to society and authority. Pitbullfarm has released two albums, Pitbullfarm and Glory Hole Hallelujah .
Armando Christian Pérez alias Pitbull est un rappeur et reggaetonero américain d'origine cubaine né en 14 janvier 1981 à Miami. Pitbull se produit avec de nombreux rappeurs américains tels que Lil' Jon, Fat Joe, Trick Daddy. Il mélange beaucoup le hip-hop et le reggaeton dans ses morceaux. En 2006, afin de venir en aide aux immigrants latinos américains aux États-Unis, Pitbull enregistre Nuestro Himno avec Wyclef Jean, Carlos Ponce, et Olga Tañón. Il est surtout connu pour son single I Know You Want Me. Il a dernièrement sorti Hotel Room Service, un clip controversé car Pitbull embrasse et couche avec...
A trouvé 8 Chansons, durée: 38:41
Oye [Screwed by NID] [Secrets Sound Team]
Hotel Room Service (Screwed and Low bass by izi4)
Hotel room service [Low Bass By Matrix]
Hotel Room Service (lb by Vortex)
Give Me Everything (Screwed & Low by Artist)
Give Me Everything (Screwed & Low by Artist)
Krazy (Screwed & Low Bass by Ivanich)
Oye (Screwed & Low by Artist)