08 Bomba latina | fr

More than one artists named like this. 1. Ukrainian alternative-rock band with female vocal. 2. Brazilian rock band .
Based out of Toronto and formed in the summer of 2008. Members include: Kinza Saeed - rhythm guitar/vox Maria Romios - lead guitar/vox Navi Lamba - ba(da)ss .
There were no more the impediments of the fate, of the distance and of the isolation. And there were no more problems with musicians or new members at the studio. Isolation, at last, in the heart of the mountains, became impossible. The wood has been all populated by other ghosts and new noises. The mechanisms and the apparatus resumed working, and the birds no longer listened to the silence. In the hiatus between two daydreams, a bird sang. A bird from the Brazilian’s mountains. The piano rings the same notes, Karolina sings: Shakes the wings the window’s fly! And the...
Vendredi soir, minuit bien sonné dans un petit bar rock de la rue du Pas St Georges… Les Bombardiers achèvent leur tout premier concert par un morceau nommé Bordeaux 83 et dangereusement susceptible de devenir culte. « Magnifique ! » me dis-je en m’éloignant du comptoir où la patronne blonde pompe des demis au kilomètre. La Kronenbourg ruisselle sur ses poignets décorés de roses rouges. Rongée par la curiosité, je jaillis sur le trottoir où je percute malencontreusement le chauffeur du groupe, un skin format bouledogue qui ne semble pas être exactement une pipelette. Tant pis, qui ne tente rien...
A trouvé 4 Chansons, durée: 13:22
Balli di gruppo - Bomba latina
Balli di gruppo - Bomba latin
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