Koray Candemir | fr

Erkin Koray né le 24 juin 1941 à Istanbul en Turquie est un musicien auteur compositeur qui a commencé sa carrière au milieu des années 60. Il est le pionnier de la musique rock en Turquie. Influencé par le Rock'&'Roll américain et notamment par Elvis Presley, il saura adapter les différents instruments typiques à la culture musicale turque avec les nombreuses influences occidentales. Dans les années 70, il s'oriente vers un rock plus psychédélique en utilisant l'amplification et les pédales wah-wah pour ensuite se diriger vers un rock plus progressif. Très célèbre en Turquie, il est maintenant reconnu au-delà des...
Koray Oktay was the guitarist/singer for many Turkish beat/r&b bands of the 60's - among them Erkin Koray, Haramiler and Cahit Oben. He left turkey in 1969 to study architecture in Germany. .
Koray Candemir was born on August 7, 1975 in Istanbul. He is the lead vocalist of the Turkish rock band, Kargo. After the group split up, he has taken steps towards a solo career, with the release of his debut solo effort Sade (Simple) in 2001. He also starred in the movie His Secret Life directed by renowned Turkish filmmaker Ferzan Özpetek. He has been graduated from Industrial Engineering at Yıldız Technical University in Istanbul. The group has been re-unioned in 2004. Recently, they are working on their new album and giving concerts. .