wombs | fr

Le deuxième album de Wombs, originaire de Cleveland, Ohio, est pour le moment l'un des meilleurs albums sortis de l’underground blogosphérico-hype. Le groupe a la chance d’avoir derrière les fûts le batteur de Cloud Nothings (Jayson Gerycz) qui eux ont réussi à se faire un nom. Ce n’est pas encore le cas pour Wombs. .
Leading the world in suicide rates, serial killers, and strip clubs, Portland, Oregon is responsible for some of the most pathetically depressing music on the face of the planet. Armed with non-prescription glasses, moldy sweaters, and spines made of jelly, musicians from the Northwest have poisoned the recording industry without regret, resulting in thousands of mediocre songs about vegan politics and chicks named Sarah. In late 2004, Wombstretcha the Magnificent was sent by God to break that trend. Backed by local producer and vocalist Statutory Ray, Wombstretcha the Magnificent has successfully developed his own genre of music (“date rap”), released...