Pharao | fr

There are multiple bands named Pharaoh. 1. Russian rapper representing Dead Dynasty coalition. 2. Though its earliest echoes ring back to 1997, American heavy metal act PHARAOH released its debut album via the Cruz del Sur Music label in 2003. Paradoxically entitled After the Fire, the album’s robust and resilient songwriting caught the ears of selective metal fans worldwide. Three years later in 2006, The Longest Night fell and was an immediate underground favorite. As modern and hi-resolution as it was pure and orthodox, The Longest Night also boasted a substantive production that allowed all ten songs to resonate in...
Le groupe Pharao se compose de la chanteuse Kyra PHARAO (née le 17/02/72 au Caire) et du rappeur américain Deon BLUE, alias Marcus Deon THOMAS (né le 20/01/70). .
There are four bands with this name: 1- The Pharaohs, a soul/jazz/funk band from the 70's, featuring Maurice White. 2- The Pharaohs, a 60's american pop music group fronted by Sam the Sham. 3- A psychobilly/rockabilly band from the UK. The Pharaohs were a british psychobilly band from Harlow in Essex. Their vocalist and second guitarist, Glenn Daeche, wrote most of their songs. They were regulars at the Klub Foot and other low-life places in the 80's. As one of the 'first generation' of psychobilly bands, one can see that their roots were firmly embedded in rockabilly.
PharaOm is Oswald Pfeiffer, a french goa trance creator born in 1990. He started to create his own songs during the summer of 2007, inspired by an old trance-master compilation founded at the bottom of a dusty CD stack. Until this day, his interest in electronic music won't stop growing. Above all he would like to lead the listener into his musical world through melodious and spellbinding sounds, while retaining a strong rhythm. .
Sam the Sham is the stage name of rock and roll singer Domingo “Sam” Samudio from Dallas, Texas. Sam the Sham would later be known for his campy onstage attire of robe and turban (inspiring one of the great tribute album names, Norton Records' 1994 release 'Turban Renewal') and hauling his equipment around in a 1952 Packard hearse, complete with maroon velvet curtains. Samudio made his singing debut while still in second grade, representing his school in a live radio broadcast. Later, he took up guitar and formed a high school group with some friends, one of whom was Trini...