Enmerkar | fr

ENMERKAR began in 2007 in New York City, USA as an ambient, black metal project, by the sole member Morchiant. The concepts behind the music relate to mysticism, shamanism, and the Universe and its mysteries. The music combines black metal, post-metal and ambient music with distant vocals to create monolithic and ethereal soundscapes. .
A trouvé 29 Chansons, durée: 02:32:48
Enmerkar Forest
5. Enmerkar Forest
Enmerkar Forest Night
Jean-Francois Racine - Enmerkar Forest
Scaling the Throne of Arhemanius
This Ancient Land of Sorrow and Beauty
5. Enmerkar Forest
Where the Mountains Will Hide Your Ghost
Fight Enmerkar Forest
Where Тhe Mountains Will Hide Your Ghost
Pale Lord Pilgrimage of the Winter Born
2009 02 Pale Lord Pilgrimage Of The Winter Born
Warriors of the Mist
Of Mist and Memories
15. Enmerkar Forest Night
Where the Mountains Will Hide Your Ghost
15. Enmerkar Forest Night
Scaling the Throne of Arhemanius
Warriors Of The Mist
Outward OST 5. Enmerkar Forest
22. Fight Enmerkar Forest
Of Mist and Memories
01. Where the Mountains Will Hide Your Ghost
02. Pale Lord Pilgrimage of the Winter Born
22. Fight Enmerkar Forest
Of Mist And Memories
05. This Ancient Land of Sorrow and Beauty
03. Warriors of the Mist