Rauta | fr

MARKOJUHANI RAUTAVAARA is a Finnish songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and -vocalist. The new RWO/RAUTAVAARA WORLDORCHESTRA CD called PUUKKO was released on 15 February 2008. It combines ethno music sounds with heavy rock and features Rautavaara’s own as well as KALEVALA lyrics. Besides the traditional drums/bass/guitar group the instruments used include kantele, didgeridoo, western and oriental wind instruments, banjo, mandolin, accordion, tenor guitar, violin, cello, and oriental percussions. Musicians of Finnish folk ensembles such as VÄRTTINÄ, PIIRPAUKE and INEHMO participated in the recording. More information about Markojuhani Rautavaara at www.rautavaara.org and www.myspace.com/rautawaara .
History It took quite a while for the first idea behind Rauta to progress into an actual song. After almost two years of thinking and talking about it, we finally formed the band and started writing material in late 2003. The band members were all already familiar to us from other band situations, so the actual forming of the band came easy. From there, things have taken a natural course towards our debut album "Haudanmaa". Influence All of us have considerable mileage as musicians, and thus have our musical influences changed over the years. The road has taken us from...
Rautakoura is a bluegrass band from Helsinki, Finland. They were formed in spring 2004. .
Einojuhani Rautavaara est un compositeur finlandais né le 9 octobre 1928 à Helsinki. Il étudie la musicologie et la composition à l’Académie Sibelius, puis aux États-Unis, et enfin à Cologne. D’abord influencé par le néoclassicisme (Stravinski, Hindemith), il se tourne ensuite vers Moussorgsky, Debussy, Messiaen et enfin Berg. Compositeur abondant et éclectique, il emploie des techniques musicales très variées qui vont du chant grégorien au dodécaphonisme en passant pas des procédés aléatoires ou un langage post-romantique. On lui doit plusieurs partitions pour la scène dont l'opéra Rasputin et un grand nombre d'œuvres pour orchestre. 1960: op. 10 "Ludus verbalis" (Personalia;...
Obscure, mysterious underground black metal project from Lappeenranta, Finland, very little information on Rautavaris is available. Three demo tapes have been released so far, first two unnamed tapes by the band in 2004 and 2005 and the most recent "Suden Lapset" by Grievantee, an underground label run by Horna's Shatraug, in March 2008. On the first two tapes the band plays atmospheric, melancholic and folk-tinged black metal while on the latest tape the approach is raw black metal. The second song from "Suden Lapset" is available on the band's Mikseri.net page. .
A trouvé 161 Chansons, durée: 13:37:57
Rauta ruostuu
(live 13.12.14)
Rauta [The Steel]
Rauta (Girls Mix)
metal with bass
Kota Rauta
Театр страстей (наработка)
Rauta (The Steel)
Rauta valittaa
Без названия
Rauta (Girl Remix)
Знают эльфы
2003 - [Riisu] - Rauta Valittaa
Rauta valittaa
Лесник(live 13.12.14)
Пираты (наработка)
Rauta - Iron
Я не Боюсь(live 13.12.14)