Etoile | fr

Lead singer Youssou N'Dour, born October 1 1959 in Dakar, is a Senegalese singer and percussionist. He began performing at the age of 12. Within a couple of years he was performing regularly with the Star Band, Dakar's most popular group in the early 1970s. Several members of the Star Band joined Orchestre Baobab about that time. In 1979, he formed his own ensemble, the Etoile de Dakar. His early work with Etoile de Dakar was in the typical Latin style popular all over Africa during that time, but in the 1980s he developed a unique sound when he started...
Etoile is an eurodance act, that was produced and arranged by Ross Battista, Al Barbero, Giuliano Sacchetto, Giordano Trivellato and Giacomo Maiolini. Vocals by Laura. Singles: "I Want Your Love" and "Ama La Vita" .
Led by vocalist El Hadj Faye, Etoile 2000 is a spin-off group from the seminal Senegalese band Etoile de Dakar, right about the time Youssou N'Dour was laying the foundation of mbalax with the latter. Its style has been called punk mbalax and that's not far off the mark -- Etoile 2000 likes to push things, and Badou N'Diaye's fuzzed-out guitar solos can be likened to '60s punk psychedelia played in some Senegalese garage. That's exactly where most of these tracks were recorded: producer/impresario Mass Diokhane just plugged a tape recorder into the mixing board during a band rehearsal in...
A trouvé 170 Chansons, durée: 11:31:28
#18 (Slow Version)
Ciel étoilé
Etoile des neiges
l'étoile d'afrique (sped up + best part looped)
L’Étoile d’Afrique, Pt. 2
Diavolina Dream
Trompette d’afrique x L’Etoile d’afrique
Magic Line
l’étoile d’afrique
L'Étoile d'Afrique #18 (speed up)
Etoile Du Sud
L’Étoile D’ afrique
Etoile Turquoise
L'Étoile D'Afrique #18
L'Étoile D'Afrique
L'Étoile D'afrique ✨
L'etoile d'Afrique
Ma belle etoile
L'Etoile Au Sahara
Etoile des neiges
#18 [@nightcorebot]
Etoile d'un jour
Pastorales pour Noël: I. L'etoile
Pitié pou femme
Ma ligne d'horizon
Etoile des neiges
ADRENALIZED [Highspeed Etoile OP][AnimeNewMusic]