Canada | fr

Boards of Canada (BOC) est un duo écossais de musique électronique composé de Michael Sandison (né le 1 juin 1970) et son frère Marcus Eoin (né le 21 juillet 1971). Ils ont réalisé de nombreux albums, les plus notables étant Twoism (1995), Music Has the Right to Children (1998), Geogaddi (2002) et l'album The Campfire Headphase, sorti le 17 octobre 2005 avec peu de publicité et de rares interviews. Le duo a enregistré quelques œuvres peu connues sous le nom de Hell Interface. Leur musique, très atmosphérique, et presque entièrement instrumentale, peut être rapprochée de celle de Massive Attack, Alpha...
Lakes of Canada began in Montreal in the summer of 2010 when best-friends Jake Smith and Conor O’Neil began performing Jake’s songs as a duo. The duo soon added the dynamic Chris Barillaro to their group, adding his voice and piano playing to their already expanding sound, as well as guitar-expert Tim Dobby. Described as “a cross between Fleet Foxes and Simon and Garfunkel” (Ottawa Sun), Lakes employs lyrically driven songs rich with vocal harmonies. Fresh out of Foxhole Studios, where the band recorded their debut full-length album set to launch in May 2012 and produced by Christopher Fox of...
Canada is a seven piece musical collective hailing from the Ann Arbor area of Michigan. The group was conceived in late 2004 when a group of mild mannered acquaintances who all happened to play various musical machines gathered together in a basement full of rain and chandeliers and began writing. Shortly after, they convened on a farm just outside of Ann Arbor and crafted their songs from the air and from the earth. From these gatherings came the beginnings to what would lead up to This Cursed House. Canada has just wrapped up a tour with Page France as well...
Volcanoless in Canada’s sound strives to combine precise rhythms and intricate melodies with the appeal and high-paced energy of rock music. Their sonic principle lies in the coordinated triple-guitar-assault, where three acoustics play complementary and interweaving melody lines within the rhythmical domain set by drums and bass. This original concept allows Volcanoless’ music to flow across a vast musical spectrum, embracing elements of rock, pop, folk, country, punk and dance. Alongside an unbroken streak of Saskatchewan sold-out shows, a sold-out debut album (3500 copies independently sold) and intensely energetic & passionate performances, Volcanoless has completed their sophomore album, The Way...
A trouvé 150 Chansons, durée: 11:03:02
Дом у дороги
I'm USA - You're Canada
Позови меня в гости
Aquarius (Version 3)
Canada Goose
USSR–Canada 1972
Гоп стоп Канада
Гоп, стоп, Канада
Fuck Canada
Забытый полк
Love on Top
Гоп стоп Канада
Canada, NorthAmerica (2019)
Гоп-стоп Канада
Happy Cycling
Королева из Королёва
Я выбираю тебя
Canada Goose
Warsaw, Canada
Королева из Королёва
Beware the Friendly Stranger
Гоп стоп Канада
Света, Светочка, Светлана
Родная жена