Piotr S³apa | fr

Piotr Cugowski (born: 5. October 1979 in Lublin, Poland) is Polish singer. He is a vocalist in a rock band “Bracia” (“Brothers”), which has set up with brother - Wojtek Cugowski. He participates in many music projects, such as “Poland… why not?” and performs songs for the charity foundations. His band released 3 CDs (“Fobrock”, “Zapamiętaj” and “A Tribute to Queen”). Piotr also cooperated with many other bands and vocalists on their own projects (ex. Martyna Jakubowicz, Bogusław Mec, etc.). His idols are: David Coverdale (Whitesnake) and DUg Pinnick (King's X). .
Musicien et activiste polonais, Robert Piotrowicz évolue autant dans le domaine de la composition électro-acoustique que dans celui de l’improvisation noise, ce qui l’a conduit à des collaborations avec de nombreuses figures de la musique expérimentale (Zbigniew Karkovski, Lasse Marhaug, Xavier Charles, Jérôme Noetinger, Oren Ambarchi…). Il est également co-fondateur, avec Anna Zaradny, du label et festival Musica Genera. A l’aide d’un synthétiseur modulaire et d’un ordinateur, Piotrowicz produit des nappes de sons qui se superposent et se transforment sans cesse pour immerger l’auditeur dans le pur présent de l’écoute. L’oreille est portée à travers des paysages parfois minimaux, pour...
Piotr Kurek (aka P.Qrek / Piętnastka; of Ślepcy / Suaves Figures / Abrada) is Polish composer and musician, working and living in Warsaw. P. studied classical piano and played drums but is most known from his activity in dance theater and electronic music. Collaborated with various record labels including Ambush (London), Kool.POP (Berlin), Cock Rock Disco (Berlin), Klangkrieg (Berlin), Unknown Public (London), Crónica (Porto) and of course Sangoplasmo (Warsaw). Enthusiastic collector of all-size instruments and vintage studio equipment. .