Elizabeth McQueen and the FireBrands | fr

Elizabeth Morris is the lead singer of Allo Darlin'. Her debut solo release, Optimism, was released in 2013. http://elizabethmorris.bandcamp.com/ .
"Sarah Elizabeth Foster is?" The vibrant southern songbird smiles and replies, "Free." And indeed she is. New York City is now home to Sarah Elizabeth Foster, a 5' 3" striking slice of authenticity. Of melody. Of music for music's sake. Even in her youth in Houston, Texas, Sarah could spot the diamonds in the rough. Through endless ballet, piano, and singing lessons, love for artists like Dusty Springfield, Nancy Sinatra and The Supremes was slowly growing. What decade was she living in? Who cared? Case in point: At 13, Sarah hears The Fugees', "Killing Me Softly" on the radio. Loves...
Rosewater Elizabeth were a criminally under-documented ethereal-goth band from Florida. With a sound that evoked comparisons with the Cocteau Twins, the lineup consisted of Melissa Rae Mileski (vocals), Lee Wiggins (drums), Jeremy Wilkins (keyboards), David Miville (bass) and Dan Rosen (guitar). additional studio musicians: milza barley - shakuhachi flute, harmonica & bass | denver bon - bass (live) | lou buffo - drums | richard elliot - violin | alvon griffin - percussion | george harris - sitar, mandolin & explosions | mike keane - drums | greg lasalle - drum loop | john phillips - flute & bass flute...
Elizabeth Davidson Fraser est une chanteuse écossaise née le 29 août 1963. Fraser participe à la fondation du groupe Cocteau Twins avec son ami Robin Guthrie en 1981. Elle devient la chanteuse du groupe et compose aussi certains morceaux. Elle fut un temps la petite amie de Jeff Buckley. Elle collabore au projet This Mortal Coil qui réunit plusieurs artistes, dont le groupe d'Elizabeth. Elle interprète entre autres la chanson la plus connue de ce collectif, Song To The Siren, une reprise de Tim Buckley, le père de Jeff Buckley, que l'on peut entendre dans Lost Highway de David Lynch....