Beirut | fr

Beirut est un groupe d'indie rock américain formé par Zach Condon. En 2006, Beirut sort deux albums sur le label Ba Da Bing : Gulag Orkestar et Lon Gisland, désormais réunis sur une version longue de Gulag Orkestar. Beirut a aussi d'autres morceaux sur l'EP Pompeii, une chanson avec Calexico, et un titre (Venice) sur une compilation du magazine The Believer, et un autre titre sur la compilation Big Change: Songs for FINCA de Natalie Portman intitulé My Night With the Prostitute From Marseille. Les premiers clip vidéos sont ceux des titres "Elephant Gun" et "Postcards from Italy". Ils ont...
Beirut is Arabia’s gate to the world (especially the western world). Beirut Biloma is the cutting-edge sound of Arabia - the meeting and fusion of Arabia’s authentic sounds with international music, especially chillout, dance, & R&B; and like many creatively adventurous international acts it features promising and exciting talents: singers, DJs, arrangers, and musicians. It was towards the end of the second millennium, around 1999, that a new sound was born in Beirut, influenced by international dance music. It was “Mazaj”. As the word in Arabic means, it is mood, and so the song was in every dimension. It was...
A trouvé 192 Chansons, durée: 12:00:21
Psalm 50: The Mighty One, O God
elephant gun (slow tape)
Now I'm Gone
Elephant Gun
Elephant Gun
Gulag Orkestar
Arctic Forest
The Tern
Now I'm Gone
So Many Plans
Boiler Beirut DJ Set
A Sunday Smile
Island Life
Beirut (Original Mix)
Psalm 135 Praise The Name of Thee
Süddeutsches Ton-Bild-Studio
Gulag Orkestar (2006)
Live for Beirut
March of the Zapotec
January 18th
The Gulag Orkestar
La LLorona
Elephant Gun
Scenic World / Ederlezi
La Llorona
Beirut (Extended)
The Flying Club Cup (2007)
Psalm 140 Deliver Me O Lord
Beirut (Nick Saley & Dj Pantelis)
Tala House Mix