Loan | fr

jason.sloan is a artist working from Baltimore, Md. His work explores various aspects of spirituality and it's connection to life, death, memory, religion and our transitory time on earth. Through his performances, installations, audio environments, video work, network actions and sound recordings, he examines the need for transcendence beyond the body through a vehicle of visual ritual and aural stimulation. With this dialog, Sloan feels an urgency to evoke a collective experience between the viewer, listener and artist that can bridge the gap between the physical and non-physical world. The focus of this transcendence is not to conform to...
Free Loan Investments were a swedish Pop band. The band was founded by Roger Gunnarsson of Nixon and Amanda Aldervall. FLI released three 7" singles: Pretentious Girl on Socialism, Puppy Love on Where It's At Is Where You Are and Youth Will Understand on the Booff label. The Ever Been To Mexico EP was put out by Shelflife Records in 2002. Magic Marker released their final EP, The Last Dance, in 2009. Roger later played in The Happy Birthdays and is now in the band The Garlands. Amanda Aldervall later played in The Busy Band and now does solo work...
Carol Sloane was born on March 5, 1937, in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1955, Carol married a Providence disc jockey named Charlie Jefferds, but divorced in 1958. Carol continued to sing in small bars and clubs until she met the road manager of the Les and Larry Elgart Orchestra, which was touring the amusement park ballrooms in the southern New England area. She auditioned for Larry Elgart, who then asked her to come to New York with his band. The brothers had recently split the organization, Les taking the territory west of Chicago, Larry to handle everything east of Chicago....
Loana de son nom complet Loana Petrucciani, née le 30 août 1977 à Cannes, est une styliste, femme d'affaires et présentatrice de télévision française. Elle est la gagnante en 2001 de la première émission de télé réalité française, Loft Story sur M6. * 1977 le 30 août, elle naît à Cannes dans les Alpes-Maritimes d'un père instable et violent qui abandonne rapidement le domicile conjugal, et d'une mère fragile, Violette, qui l'élève seule dans des conditions matérielles difficiles. Elle abandonne ses études rapidement pour subvenir aux besoins de sa mère et de son frère en devenant Go-Go dancer dans les...
Auteur-compositeur et interprète, Loane nous parle d'une vie quotidienne mêlée d'imprévus et de circonstances attenuantes. Le timbre singulier et profond de sa voix magnifie les mots et fane les désillusions. Signée chez Virgin Music France, Loane sort son premier disque en 2008, entourée des réalisateurs Fabrice Dumont (Télépopmusik) et Frédéric Fortuny. Elle est alors l'une des révélations du Printemps de Bourges et se fait connaître du grand public avec son titre "Jamais seule". Son titre "Danser" lui vaut d’être élu « live de l’année » de l’émission « Ce soir (ou jamais!) » sur France 3. Parallèlement, Loane compose pour...