Centurian | fr

Centurian was raised in January 1997 from the smoldering remains of Thrash/Death metal band Inquisitor. Drummer Wim van der Valk and guitar player Rob Oorthuis decided to continue the band with a new name, changing their musical style to very fast and aggressive Death metal. This style has been the trademark of Centurian ever since. Influenced by bands like Morbid Angel, Krisiun and Deicide, Centurian nevertheless created their very own sound. Joined by vocalist Seth van de Loo, Centurian started off playing gigs in May 1997. Later the same year they recorded their first 8 track CD entitled "Of Purest...
"When Del-Fi Records released the one and only album by The Centurians, they mistakenly gave it the exact same cover and catalog number as the [Bruce Johnston] Surfers' Pajama Party that is shown on your site... Needless to say, it was nearly impossible for anyone to order the Centurians album and they soon met the fate of so many other West Coast surf-rock bands (that is, until Quentin Tarantino and John Waters pulled tracks from the album for the films Pulp Fiction and Pink Flamingos, respectively.)" .