Tremenda Trementina | fr

Paul, after many years in groups, had a trunk full of songs that had never seen the light. Little secrets that grew day by day and began to seep from the corners of his hard drive. One day he decided to show to Adriana, making his accomplice, and she put them voice. In December 2010 they made their first performance, where Iñigo, Damaged Dolls, suggested they produce them with partner Roberto C. Meyer. All but a few producers use. In summer 2011 they recorded the disc between the four, who now edits Everlasting Records. Iñigo, guided by their instincts, decided...
La Tremenda Korte, homologo del popular programa de la radio Cubana con su clasico personaje Tres Patines, es uno de los grupos mas solidos y duraderos que salieron del movimiento Ska chilango de los años 90. Con el tiempo han madurado como musicos...a tal grado que la exclusiva disquera "Opcion" les produjo este album y tambien han participado en importantes festivales culturales come el Afrocaribeno Veracruz 2001. Aun pretenden mantener la enigma de ser banda del underground. .