The Holidays | fr

Holidays is a dream-pop Italian band from Rome "with songs and DIY-visuals inspired by their European travels, Roman summers, and youthful nostalgia" (SBWR). If we should describe their music, we could say that it's a "sunny bucolic daydream, drenched in reverb and lovelorn lyrics" . .
Melting Holidays (2001-) (メルティング・ホリデイズ) est un groupe pop/shibuya kei/picopop indé japonais constitué du compositeur/chanteur/interprète Atsushi Sasaki et de la chanteuse Kei Takemoto. Ils ont déjà participé à des collaborations avec de nombreux artistes, et remixés plusieurs chansons comme entre autre koi to kuchibue de Sucrette. .
Holidays of Seventeen (also abbreviated to HO17), are a Japanese power pop band formed in 2005. Hailing from Fukuoka, on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu, HO17 released their debut album, "Yeah" in 2008. While all members of HO17 are Japanese, the band's songs are completely sung in English, with American band Weezer cited as a big source of inspiration. The band members are: Taro (Vocals/Guitar) Kota (Guitar) Yo-pei (Bass) Yomogi (Keys) Motoyoshi (Drum) .
Happy Holidays was Rauan Klassnik and Wayne Water. Rauan Klassnik was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. His first book of poems, Holy Land, was published in April 2008. He currently lives in Mexico. Wayne Water lives in Oregon, and is currently recording a series of thirteen two-track albums, A-Z. .
The Holidays is the name of more than one group. (1): The Holidays are an Australian indie/soul band. Formed in Sydney in 2006, the band consists of Simon Jones, Will Magnus, Alex Kortt and Andrew Kerridge. In Australia, the band has released 2 EP's (The Holidays & When The Ship Goes Down) & their debut album "Post Paradise" in September 2010. Post Paradise has also been released in Japan. The Holidays have played shows in the USA & the UK as well as their home country of Australia. (2): A power pop band based in Seattle active in the early...