グルグル映畫館 | fr

Vocal&Guitar: 天野鳶丸 (Amano Tonbimaru) (passed away in 2013) Guitar&Vocal: 沼倉真 (Numakura Shin), now in T he Thinners Bass: ゴキミ (Gokimi), from 東京ヒーローズ and GalapagosS Drums: 前田一知 (Maeda Kazutomo) グルグル映畫館 (Guruguru Eigakan, "Revolving Movie Theatre") is a Japanese angura kei band that was created in 1995 and disbanded in 2012. They have an emphasis on humour and skits during their live events, and wear Showa era (1940s, specifically) school uniforms and 白塗り (shironuri) makeup. Their music can be describes as a mix of rock, punk and enka, influenced by the eroguro nonsense movement. Ex-members: Bass&Vocal: 吉川 昌利 (Yoshikawa Masatoshi), left in...