Mohamed Reda | fr

There are at least two artists by the name of Predawn: 1. Guitarist and singer-songwriter Miwako Shimizu began her solo project Predawn in 2008. The name was inspired by Mimei Ogawa (1882-1961), the father of modern Japanese children's literature. Predawn is based in Tokyo but she has performed at many festivals in Japan including Fuji Rock Festival and apbank fes in 2009 and 2010. In June 2010, she released her first mini-album, 手のなかの鳥 (Te no naka no tori, "A Bird in the Hand"), which she recorded by herself and on which she played all instruments. She has collaborated with other...
Mohamed Reda est un chanteur marocain né à Fès, en 1978. Très jeune, il fut intéressé aux arts, poussé par son père, un antiquaire de Fès, et sa mère, créatrice de mode. Il prend vite gout aux arts plastiques et la musique, mais c’est dans le sport qu’il se donnera en priorité. Champion du Maroc d’arts martiaux, catégorie “Light Contact”, il semble se plaire dans cette nouvelle voie. Mais il jouait déja à l’époque du luth, de la guitare et du piano, et son amour de la musique prendra vite le dessus. Mohamed Reda décide alors d’entrer au conservatoire de...
1. Three music junkies meet up in underground club "Stereo45" to have some drinks in 2005. One of them is panning to beat another, cos he's paying too much attention to his girlfriend. 2. Boys have to much vodka and decide to go to decks, while DJ is in WC and hack them. DJ's back, three stooges are spinning their own records without mixing them properly. 3. They call themselves "Nesakyk Mamai!" (eng. Don't Tell Ya Mom) and play riot music to dance to. Some dancers manage to make out or fade out. No casualties. Few babies born comming year....